Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Last night, I was trying to find my photo in Bali around 3 years ago. then I found plenty of pictures. People say pictures tell every story. If it's a good one, then it's alright. How about if it reminds you about bad story? bad memory? Yes, I found both kind of pictures. Well, those pictures were taken when we were happy at that time. All marvelous memories. But now it's a different story that makes me feel blue. Alhamdulillah, I'm now strong enough to not suddenly crying when I remember about those unpleasant memories. (before?don't ask). I even deleted some photos and quickly closed the folder before my head was full with negative thinking..

Then I posted in plurk "Aliy hates memories". cause at that time I actually felt angry cause I had to see those memorable stories and activities. I don't want to be sad and cry anymore. I'm sick of myself being nerveless since that time..Then my friend, Ruhum replied my plurk with "they are there to makes us grow up and learn from our mistakes, aliy." I couldn't agree more. Memories, good or bad, are the best teachers for every single person cause we experienced it ourselves, not only by reading books, seeing movies,or hearing another's memories.

I hope I can learn from my own story. my own memory. So I will not make the same mistakes again. And be better next time :)

1 komentar:

Martha-Happy said...

1 hal pesen gw buat lo dan buat diri gw juga al : nikmati, syukuri, dan hanya pikirkan apa yang ada disamping kita sekarang, dan boleh berpikir soal apa yang ada di depan kita, tapi jangan pernah lagi ngeliat2 ke belakang, menyesali banyak hal. karena takutnya kita nanti nyesel, karena kehilangan banyak hal berharga di samping kita sebab selalu memalingkan wajah kebelakang, dan lupa bahwa kita punya sesuatu yang berharga disamping kita currently.