Saturday, May 7, 2011

what's next


I'm curious about what's next. What will I be when I'm 10 years older. What will I do for work. When will I live then. What kind of wife or mother will I be. How will my life going on.

Well people can make a plan. I do make plans, but only the rough one. I don't like making plan just because I hate the fact that it can really goes the other way around and disappoint me. How childish. But still we don't know what the future bring. All we can do is giving our best in life, and let Allah do the rest. right?

PS: This is my (and I think everyone) recent favorite game on itouch. I never play similar game before (farmville or else). think I should try some now.
and it has this cool smurf studio to turn him like one of them!haha

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